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Technological Services

Metrology                   Chemical Analisis                      Structural Integrity                   

In a highly competitive market, one of the companies needs is to have the technical data that enables them to deliver its products in the safest, fastest and cost-effective way possible. Therefore, the first need is to be able to have reliable dataon raw materials involved in manufacturing processes and take quick and effective control to ensure production quality.

Different industrial sectors need to comply with the strict controlsrequired for manufacturing high added value complex products. For this purpose, the area of Technological Services provides ITMA customers the means and the qualified personnel to guarantee these requirements. Anticipating the company needs, offering speed and reliabilitywith their ITMA Technological Services is the ITMAs main priority.

ITMA can offer a wide range of accredited analysis and mechanical assays for ceramic materials, refractories, metallic and welded joints.

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The area of Technological Services is divided into:

  • Metrology
  • Analysis
  • Structural Integrity

Additionally, the area of Technological Services works closely with the rest of ITMA R&D Areas, providing numerous trials and technical assistance.